If I birthed Trig
(PART 1)
If I was 7 months pregnant with my 5th baby
I would look 7 months pregnant in ALL photos ALL the time
If I were leaking any kind of fluid I would immediately be sent to the nearest medical facility to get checked out
If I were leaking ANY kind of fluid,
I would not attempt to get on a plane nope, no way, no how
If I were 7.5 months pregnant it WOULD be APPARENT to any flight attendant -- they ALWAYS check seatbelts
If I were in labor with my premature DS baby I would not by- pass a state of the art neo natal facility in Anchorage in lieu of a Podunk facility that is not equipped for ‘high-risk’
If I were in premature labor my doctor would not need to induce
If my doctor needed to induce a premature labor he/she would wait and send us to neo-natal facility that is fully equipped with an NICU just in case, I would insist !
I would have lots pictures with my baby within hours of this “easy” birth
My hospital would not allow my preemie baby with a hole in his heart out into a germ-infested hallway for a photo-op with his grandparents
My preemie baby would not look like he weighed 10 pounds and would be in an NICU
Well, I like it. Easy to follow and anyone should be able to understand; why she couldn't have given birth to Trig.
Thank you for stopping by juicyfruityy, I totally agree with you-- she couldn't have given birth to Trg, I appreciate your comment!